My DREAM CAR..!! Mazda 3.. Love the outlook.. not so into the engine and all cause this is SINGAPORE..! speed sikit je kene saman and etc etc.. this will be in ma WISHLIST of course, but if only i can afford to grab a car.. and the colour RED is like SUPER HOT..!! =)
this is like EVERY LADY dream and wish to have.. MAC make up, love their colors and all.. and as usual this will be going to my WISHLIST... so gonna grab it after i get myself a job.. den time to dress up and be the OLD ANA back.. =) cant wait.. <3
Love the colors of the LAPPY... i want the GREEN one..!!
i just love the camera cause of the color.. hehe.. i love GREEN what can i say.. =D
Yours Truly, 10:49 PM.
i have this stupid habit of speeding things up..
only 2days i am being discharged & i cant wait to recover..
i noe i cant like hope a miracle to happen but i cant stand the fact living like this..
for instant, asking mom and granny to help me do the daily stuff..
like help me to grab my clothes after shower..
get my drink and food for me..
that is so NOT ME..!!
i dun order them around since young
and having to do it all over again is like a total nightmare for me..
enduring it for the next 5weeks is like hell for me...
i just hate having the thought of depending on my family members to get something done...
and if i start walking again without my crutches, LOT of people will physically and literally kill me... but i have my reasons for doing all that..
and yes the last time i did it, i terOVER la kan...
until i went to the extend crossing my leg when sitting down, bending here and there to get my own clothes... it hurts but yet im still doing it and till it BROKE..!!
can i just walk again but this time with LIMITS??
k, i can like practically hear my love ones shouting NO to my ears if i ask them that question..
guess i just got to endure it and try not feel too guilty asking my granny and mom for help...
reading the card that cookie monster wrote for my last yr bday really touches my heart..
=) yes i noe i have not been a good daughter/grand daughter or even a human for the past 22yrs of my life.. and every day im hoping and wishing i will change.. and i will, but in my own ways..
this is promise u my dear lil cookie monster, kakak may not be the best person in ur life to tell about what is life and all, but i will promise u i will change to be a better person.. =) having u ard is a blessing for me lil sis.. u really open my eyes on how bright and adorable my cousins are to me.. and how much u and e rest means to me.. will change so that the OTHERS will stop the nonsense talk and looking down and all.. miss having the talk with u.. =) and im glad u made it this far in life.. and i noe u wont bring shame in any ways to ur family, cause u r indeed a bright and intelligent lady.. =) love u from the day u were born till like FOREVER.. and u will forever be my faithful and loyal lover.. haha.. =)
Yours Truly, 3:00 PM.